Tenure and Promotion

Academic Staff (TUCFA)

Tenure and Promotion is an annual process for faculty members at the University of Calgary. Each year, applicants participate in the process, including review of emeritus recommendations. The provisions relating to the Tenure and Promotion process are documented in the Collective Agreement, Article 28, which applies to any application for: a) Tenure b) Promotion c) Transfer between Teaching and Research and Teaching-Focused streams and d) Renewal of Tenure-track appointments

Academic Staff Members should review Article 28: Tenure and Promotion of the Collective Agreement as it outlines both the eligibility and important process information. The steps below reflect the high-level process — please refer to the Faculty Guidelines, GFC Handbooks and Tenure and Promotion Timeline for more details:

  1. Eligible Academic Staff Members will receive an invitation to apply, no later than May 15th. 
  2. Applicants to provide a declaration of their intention to apply for renewal, tenure (including early consideration), and/or promotion, transfers along with possible names of referees (not for renewal), by June 17th.
  3. Applicants to submit CV, cover letter and other materials by September 3rd.

* Dates are adjusted to the Tenure and Promotion timelines every year due to weekends and stat holidays.

TUCFA Collective Agreement


Article 28


Timelines & Deadlines


Promotion Review Committee


July 2024 GFC Academic Staff Criteria & Processes Handbook


July 2023 GFC Academic Staff Criteria & Processes Handbook


June 2021 GFC Academic Staff Criteria & Processes Handbook


April 2019 GFC Academic Staff Criteria & Processes Handbook



Training Videos and Job Aids

Please refer to the Academic Portfolio Training Videos and Job Aids website via the 'Tenure and Promotion' section to assist the following roles in the Tenure and Promotion process:

  • Candidates (applicants)
  • External Referees
  • Department Head or Equivalent
  • Committee Members and Other Reviewers

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Academic Staff Member

As outlined in the Collective Agreement, the normal time to apply for Renewal of Tenure Track and an Appointment with Tenure shall be the penultimate year of the tenure track appointment. 

For example, Tenure-track appointments ending on June 30, 2026, will apply in the upcoming cycle 2024-2025. 

A communication will be sent out no later than May 15 inviting eligible applicants (see Article 28.6.1, Appendix 28A and Appendix 28B) with information about the application process. 

If you intend to apply for Tenure, Tenure with Promotion or Renewal, you will be required to submit a declaration of your intention to the Dean’s office by June 17, 2024, copying hracadem@ucalgary.ca

Any additional questions regarding the academic processes can be sent to hracadem@ucalgary.ca

Appendix A in Article 28 in the Collective Agreement outlines the documents required for your   application, and additional documents at your discretion that may be included. 

Your application is by September 3, 2024. Your application must be uploaded through Academic Portfolio. Please refer to the Academic Portfolio Training Videos  under the “Tenure and Promotion” section to assist under the Candidates (applicants) section. 

It is very important to follow the timeline and deadlines of the Collective Agreement. If you are still unable to submit your application by September 3, 2024, in advance to the deadline, please send an email to hracadem@ucalgary.ca with information as to why an extension is needed. You may also contact The University of Calgary Faculty Association (TUCFA) at any time for assistance at  faculty.association@tucfa.com

In the Notice of Intent, which is addressed to the Dean, copied to your Head/Head Equivalent, and hracadem@ucalgary.ca you will need to indicate what you are applying for:

  • Renewal of Tenure Track appointment
  • An Appointment with Tenure and Promotion to Associate Professor, Associate Professor (Teaching), Associate Librarian, Associate Archivist, Associate Curator or Education Development Consultant (for Tenure only).  
  • An Appointment with Tenure (for those who are currently at a rank above the introductory rank)
  • Promotion to Professor, Professor (Teaching), Senior Counsellor (Instructor) or Senior Counsellor (Professorial). 
  • Transfer to Research & Teaching Focused Stream or Teaching Focused Stream

Excluding applications for Renewal of Tenure Track appointments, you will also need to include a minimum of three (3) individuals (name and contact information) that may be invited to be an External Referee. 

External referees are individuals who know about your work, are knowledgeable about your field and are in a position to provide a detailed commentary. 

Names and contact information for external referees are required for applications for Tenure with Promotion, Promotions and Transfers of streams at the ranks of Associate Professor, Associate Professor (Teaching), Professor, Professor (Teaching), Associate Librarian, Associate Archivist, Associate Curator, Education Development Consultant (for Tenure only), Senior Counsellor (Instructor) or Senior Counsellor (Professorial).

For applicants in the Teaching and Research stream: referees shall include at least three academics from outside the University who shall be invited to assess the quality and progress of the applicant’s research and scholarly work and service to the profession/discipline.

For applicants in the Teaching Focused stream: referees shall include at least three academics internal (but external to the Department or Faculty in non-departmentalized faculties) or external to the University who shall be invited to assess the quality and progress of the applicant’s teaching and pedagogical activities. 

For applicants in the librarian, archivist, curator, and counsellor ranks, or other academic ranks: referees shall include at least three academics or professionals, as appropriate for the nature of the position, to assess the quality and progress of the applicant’s professional activity, scholarly work and service to the profession/discipline or equivalent.

Do not contact the external referees in advance, the selection of individuals who may be invited to participate as an external referee is the decision of the Dean and the Dean contacts the individuals.

For applications in the Teaching Focused stream, the applicant’s cover letter; curriculum vitae; the applicant’s teaching dossier; and selected works (if appropriate).

For applications in the Research & Teaching Focused stream, the external referees are provided with the applicant’s cover letter, curriculum vitae, and selected works.

For applications within librarian, archivist, curator, counsellor streams and other ranks, the external referees are provided with the applicants’ cover letter, curriculum vitae, and selected works (if appropriate). 

Step 1 - Email the Declaration of Intent: 

Please note that the application period is open until September 3, 2024.  If you intend to apply for Renewal of your Tenure Track appointment, you will be required to submit a written declaration of your intention to the Dean’s office by June 17, 2024, copying hracadem@ucalgary.ca

Step 2 - Submission of Documents:

The Evaluation Criteria is linked on the Collective Agreement / Handbook / Terms and Conditions of Employment (GFC Academic Staff Criteria & Processes Handbook, various years) webpage and the Faculty Guidelines webpage.  Applicants will have to choose which Faculty Guidelines and GFC Handbooks they are using the criteria from, this information is provided through Academic Portfolio. What is permissible for choice of criteria documents is set out in the GFC Handbook, June 2024 under Section 4 Transitional Provisions, page 8.

Submission process:

  • All documents will be submitted through Academic Portfolio. You will receive an email notification from Interfolio when a case has been opened for you. If you have not received the notification by July 5, 2024, log in through myUofC > All about me > My job > Academic Portfolio. If you do not see an active case for Tenure and Promotion, please email hracadem@ucalgary.ca.
  • Please upload the documents required, and at the discretion, of the applicant as listed in Appendix A of the Collective Agreement under Article 28 to Academic Portfolio no later than September 3, 2024. A user guide and training videos available here.

Step 1- Email the Declaration of Intent with name and contact information for External Referees: 

The application period is open now until September 3, 2024.  If you intend to apply for Tenure or Tenure with Promotion, you will be required to submit a declaration of your intention to the Dean’s office by June 17, 2024, copying hracadem@ucalgary.ca

Please include a list of names of possible referees with your declaration, as outlined in the Collective Agreement (Article 28.10.1). 

Step 2- Submission of Documents:

The Evaluation Criteria is linked on the Collective Agreement / Handbook / Terms and Conditions of Employment webpage (GFC Academic Staff Criteria & Processes Handbook, various years) and the Faculty Guidelines webpage.  Applicants will have to choose which Faculty Guidelines and GFC Handbooks they are using the criteria from, this information is provided through Academic Portfolio.  What is permissible for choice of criteria documents is set out in the GFC Handbook, June 2024 under Section 4 Transitional Provisions, page 8.

Submission process:

  • All documents will be submitted through Academic Portfolio. You will receive an email notification from Interfolio when a case has been opened for you. If you have not received the notification by July 5, 2024 log in through myUofC > All about me > My job > Academic Portfolio. If you do not see an active case for Tenure and Promotion, please email hracadem@ucalgary.ca.
  • Please upload the documents required, and at the discretion, of the applicant as listed in Appendix A of the Collective Agreement under Article 28 to Academic Portfolio no later than September 3, 2024. A user guide and training videos are available here.

Step 1- Email the Declaration of Intent with name and contact information for External Referees:

The application period is open now until September 3, 2024. If you intend to apply for Tenure or Tenure with Promotion, you will be required to submit a declaration of your intention to the Dean’s office by June 17, 2024, copying hracadem@ucalgary.ca

Please include a list of names of possible referees with your declaration, as outlined in the Collective Agreement (Article 28.10.1). 

Step 2- Submission of Documents: 

The Evaluation Criteria is linked on the Collective Agreement / Handbook / Terms and Conditions of Employment webpage (GFC Academic Staff Criteria & Processes Handbook, various years) and the Faculty Guidelines webpage. Applicants will have to choose which Faculty Guidelines and GFC Handbooks they are using the criteria from, this information is provided through Academic Portfolio. What is permissible for choice of criteria documents is set out in the GFC Handbook, June 2024 under Section 4 Transitional Provisions, page 8.

Submission process:

  • All documents will be submitted through Academic Portfolio. You will receive an email notification from Interfolio when a case has been opened for you. If you have not received the notification by July 5, 2024 log in through myUofC > All about me > My job > Academic Portfolio. If you do not see an active case for Promotion, please email hracadem@ucalgary.ca.
  • Please upload the documents required, and at the discretion, of the applicant as listed in Appendix A of the Collective Agreement under Article 28 to Academic Portfolio no later than September 3, 2024. A user guide and training videos are available here.

Can I update my application?

Yes, you can update your application at any time, until the Dean forwards their recommendation on February 7, 2025. The update is to be sent to the Dean, copying hracadem@ucalgary.ca

An academic staff member who is due to be considered for a Renewal of Tenure Track or an Appointment with Tenure may be granted the following types of deferrals. In all types of deferrals, the end date for the Renewal of Tenure Track or an Appointment with Tenure appointment shall be extended for one year beyond the existing end date.  Refer to the Collective Agreement, 28.6.3


Personal Deferral

At any time on or before November 25, an academic staff member may defer consideration of their application for an appointment with tenure or for renewal of tenure track. The deferral is for a period of one year, and my only be taken once, either at the time of renewal or at the time of tenure.

To use the Personal Deferral the academic staff member will notify the Dean in writing, copying hracadem@ucalgary.ca


Dean’s Deferral

A Dean may approve a one year deferral for compassionate reasons, or when appropriate to deal with circumstances beyond the control of the applicant or for any other reasons the Dean considers appropriate.  There is potential for more than one Dean’s deferral, with Provost’s approval.

To request a Dean’s deferral, you will need to contact the Dean to discuss your circumstances for a Dean’s deferral.  The Dean will submit, in writing, the approval of a Dean’s deferral and send to hracadem@ucalgary.ca, with a copy of the applicant.


Parental Deferral

Parental leaves shall result in an automatic one year deferral for Renewal of Tenure Track or an Appointment with Tenure.  You do not need to contact Human Resources to obtain this deferral, a letter is automatically issued with the new end date. However, if you have not received a Parental Deferral, please contact hracadem@ucalgary.ca.  

Note that this automatic deferral does not preclude you from applying this year for Renewal of Tenure Track or an Appointment with Tenure or using your Personal Deferral or being eligible for a Dean’s or Provost deferral in the future. 


Provost Deferral

In exceptional circumstances the Provost may grant a deferral. 

If you get a negative recommendation from the Head or equivalent you will have the opportunity to meet with the Head and discuss the recommendation when they provide the initial assessment by November 3, 2024.  If the final recommendation is negative you can respond in writing to the recommendation by November 25, 2024.  This response is provided to the Dean, as Chair, and FTPC.  Refer to Collective Agreement Article 28.10.3. 

Individuals can also contact the Faculty Association at any time for assistance at faculty.association@tucfa.com]

If half or less of the voting members of FTPC are not in favour of the  recommendation that is being sought by the applicant the Dean shall declare a pause in the proceedings and inform the applicant, in writing, of the specific concerns identified by the FTPC, including the substance of adverse comments made by the referees and invite the applicant and the Head to a second meeting of the FTPC.  The FTPC may request further information not already in evidence from the applicant or the Head. 

You will have a minimum of five (5) work days to respond in writing to the FTPC.  However, if additional documentation is requested from the Head, the applicant must be provided at least five (5) work days from the date of receiving the documentation from the Head to review and respond the before the second meeting of FTPC.

You will be invited to attend the FTPC meeting, and you may bring an Advisor, if the applicant so chooses.  The Head/Head Equivalent will also be in attendance.  The FTPC may ask questions of either or both the applicant and the Head/Head Equivalent.  If the applicant requests that the FTPC proceed without the attendance of the applicant or Advisor, the FTPC shall proceed; however, the Head shall not be permitted to attend the meeting. The Head/Head Equivalent cannot attend the FTPC meeting if the applicant is not present. 

For the role of an Advisor, refer to the Collective Agreement, Article 28.3 b

At the conclusion of this meeting, the Chair will proceed with a vote, you will be provided with the recommendation from the Dean. The applicant, Head and Advisor are not present during any of the deliberations of the FTPC.

Refer to Collective Agreement, Article

If the recommendation is less than what the applicant applied for, the Dean shall send a separate letter to the applicant noting the process and deadline for appealing the recommendation. The applicant shall have an opportunity to submit a written appeal of a Dean’s recommendation to the Provost or the Provost as Chair of the Promotion Review Committee, depending on the type of application. Individuals can also contact the Faculty Association at any time for assistance at faculty.association@tucfa.com.

Department Head or Equivalent

The Head or Equivalent is not a member of the FTPC and will only appear before the Committee should the meeting be paused and additional information sought by the FTPC (CA The Head/Head Equivalent cannot attend the FTPC meeting if the applicant is not present.

The Head or Equivalent shall review all the documents received from the applicant as outlined in the Collective Agreement, Appendix 28.  The Head or Equivalent shall prepare an evaluation indicating whether the applicant meets the criteria for tenure and/or promotion, renewal or transfer, and will include a recommendation on the application, including a detailed summary of all input received.  (Collective Agreement, Article28.10.3 a)

The written review shall include commentary on all assigned duties (for example Scholarly Work, Teaching, Service, Clinical duties, etc.) as applicable for the rank and stream of the applicant, referring to the criteria outlined in the GFC Handbooks and the Faculty Guidelines, as chosen by the applicant.

  • Recommendation letters should be written so that they can be understood without reference to other application materials beyond that which is outlined in Appendix 28 A and provided by the applicant.
  • When the applicant is a member of a multi-disciplinary program, joint appointments or secondments, the Head or Equivalent from the home department should seek written input from the leader of the program and the Dean/Head of the Faculty/Department and should make note of these comments within the recommendation. The Head/Head Equivalent cannot supply information from the applicant’s file to those providing commentary as set out under Article 30.
  • Be evaluative, objective and evidence-based, using the criteria outlined in the Faculty Guidelines and GFC Handbook as chosen by the applicant.
  • Leaves may be mentioned as “approved leave” with no details about the nature of the leave. Research and Scholarship Leaves and Administrative Leaves can be included.

When writing a negative recommendation the following things should be considered:

  • Letter should always be respectful and professional.
  • Convey clear and concise messaging as to why the applicant does not meet the criteria, including reference to any adverse comments made by referees or through the internal consultation process while keeping the respondent’s identity confidential.
  • Comments should be factual.
  • Information on providing a written response, appealing and deadlines etc. needs to be included.

Committee Members

Four academic staff members (plus an alternate) are nominated and elected by the academic staff within the Faculty.  At least two of the elected members shall hold the rank of Professor or Professor (Teaching) full Librarian, full Curators, full Archivists, or Senior Counsellors. – voting members.  In Faculties of fewer of 30 Continuing, Contingent or Limited Term Members, which may elect three (3) members plus an alternate. 

In Faculties where the number of Continuing, Contingent Term and Limited Term members exceed 350, there shall be an additional member appointed. 

In those Faculties with members in the Teaching-Focused stream, one additional academic staff member from the teaching focused stream (plus alternate) is nominated and elected by the academic staff within the Faculty – voting members. 

One academic staff member external to the Faculty, appointed by the Provost – voting member

One to two academic staff members appointed by the Dean to ensure gender and disciplinary representation, when necessary – voting members.  In Faculties where the number of Continuing, Contingent Term and Limited Term member exceeds 350, the Dean may appoint an additional member.

One student appointed by the Students’ Union – non-voting

One student appointed by the Graduate Student Association – non-voting

One academic staff member appointed by TUCFA – non-voting, required for quorum

Refer to Collective Agreement, Article 28.11.1

The role of FTPC is to review the applications, meet to discuss the applications and provide a recommendation to the Dean, as Chair.

FTPC is provided with the documents uploaded by the academic staff member, the Head/Head Equivalent’s recommendation, and external referees.

Refer to Collective Agreement, Article

The Head or Equivalent is not a member of the FTPC and will only appear before the Committee should the meeting be paused and additional information sought by the FTPC (CA The Head/Head equivalent cannot appear before the FTPC unless the applicant is present.

Dean or Equivalent

The Dean or Equivalent acts as the Chair of FTPC, voting only in the case of a tie.

Upon receipt of FTPC’s advice, the Dean or Equivalent shall prepare a recommendation to the Provost, considering only the documentation provided by the applicant, Head or Dean in accordance with Appendix 28 A, along with the oral evidence presented at the FTPC. 

No later than February 7, 2025 the Dean shall write to the Provost outlining the FTPC’s recommendation, the vote results, the Dean’s recommendation, and the supporting rationale for the recommendation.  This letter shall be copied to the applicant, the Faculty Association and Human Resources.

 Refer to the Collective Agreement, Article 28.12

Salary Adjustment following Promotion

Academic staff members who have a successful application for promotion shall receive the following increases in base salary on the July 1 following their approval:

Promotion to Associate Professor, Associate Professor (Teaching), Librarian, Archivist, Curator, Senior Counsellor (Professorial), Academic Category A2, Academic Category B2 shall receive an increase of $2,400.

Promotion to Professor, Professor (Teaching), Academic Category A3 shall receive an increase of $2,700.

Promotion to Associate Librarian, Associate Archivist, Associate Curator, Senior Counsellor (Instructor) shall receive an increase of $1,900.

Technical Support

Please ensure that you are using your UCalgary email address (i.e. XX@ucalgary.ca).

Affiliated email addresses such as @haskayne.ucalgary.ca or @ahs.ucalgary.ca, are not enabled in Academic Portfolio.

Academic Portfolio servers were migrated in March 2023, from the US to Canada servers. Users are advised to clear their web browsing data, cache and cookies.

  1. In Firefox, Edge or Chrome, press CTRL+SHIFT+Delete 
    • Chrome - Ensure all boxes are checked (i.e. browsing history, cookies and other site data, cached images and files) and select Clear data
    • Firefox   - Ensure all history boxes are checked (i.e. browsing & download history, cookies, active logins, cache, form & search history) and select Clear Now
    • Edge - Select your time range (all time). Ensure that the boxes for browsing history, download history, cookies and other site data and cached images and files are checked, then select Clear now
  2. Once your cache is cleared, please try logging in again through your myUCalgary portal via:
    All About Me -> My Job -> Academic Portfolio

Still have login issues? Please contact help@interfolio.com for further assistance.

In the meantime, please review the reference documents, guidelines, timeline and job aids for further details. We recommend viewing the training video available on our website in the resources section above, that demonstrates how to submit through Academic Portfolio, to further familiarize yourself.

Contact hracadem@ucalgary.ca and begin preparing any relevant documentation related to your submission. 

Please review the reference documents, guidelines, timeline and job aids for further details. We recommend viewing the training video available on our website in the resources section above, that demonstrates how to submit through Academic Portfolio, to further familiarize yourself. Once your case is created, you can begin uploading your document(s).